
A stand-alone imaging workstation
Examine more patients each day, up to 3 times that of Computed Radiography or film. DXR systems utilize patented CCD direct digital receptors in conjunction with a choice of dependable,high frequency generators for high quality images within seconds after exposure.
The acquired digital image appears on the systems display allowing for immediate positioning verification and diagnosis. Digital images are processed and ready to send to a printer or save for later review with a few key strokes.
As a stand-alone imaging workstation, with an optional PACS or integrated into an existing PACS, the flexible DXR systems are ideal for any clinic or imaging center.
The DXR Software is easy to use and supports the DICOM standards including modality worklist, print management and send. Advanced image processing functions include; tissue equalization, sharpening, image contrast enhancement, and many more. Markers for Right, Left, AP and PA are easily applied for permanent reference. The DXR software is compatible with all DICOM and HIPAA compliant image archive, image management software and hardware systems.